Performers, You Do Not Need to Cut Calories to Be Healthy
Do you think you need to cut calories in order to be “healthy?” Or to have the “ideal body type?” If you do, you are certainly not alone. This myth has been circulated in popular culture for years and has dominated the performing arts industry. Sadly, this myth is harmful to young, vulnerable performers, who hear it from well-meaning, albeit misguided, teachers, peers, and social media influencers. I am on a mission to bust this myth and rid it of our industry, once and for all. I will start by breaking down how this myth became part of popular culture so we can better understand and hopefully move past believing that calories are king.

Five Things that Drain Your Energy As A Performer–And What to Do About Them
As performers, having enough energy and stamina to get through a performance week without feeling depleted is the ultimate dream. Few of us reach this point, and it has become the norm to feel constantly fatigued, run down, and burnt out. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are five things that are draining your energy as a performer–and what to do about them.

4 Powerful Tips for Performers Who Think They Have Something to Prove
“I’m scared of failing.” This is one of the most common fears I hear from clients. When I get to the root of this fear, I discover that it often comes from the need to prove themselves. Here are 4 powerful reminders to ground you when those feelings of insecurity start to creep in.

Here Are 3 Simple Ways for Performers to Break Free from Perfectionism
I still to this day struggle with the trap of perfectionism. It is ingrained in me from all the years of childhood patterning that I am trying to undo. Here are a few ways I am consciously doing this, and if this rings true for you, you can do it too.

Artists, Here Are 6 Easy Tips for Setting Boundaries Around Your Craft
One of the hardest things to do in life is to create boundaries around our passions. This is especially true when our passion becomes our source of income. Here are some practical ways to set boundaries around your craft so you can find the balance between striving and enjoyment.

Performers, Are You Busy or Productive?
Performers thrive on hustle culture, where busyness is a badge of honour and pride. We use the word busy to show others how productive we are. But there is a difference between being busy and being productive. Busy simply means we are filling our days with lots of things. Productive means we are doing things that move us closer towards a desired outcome. So how can we tell if we are busy or productive?

How to Become A Thriving Artist
The “struggling artist” myth has been part of popular culture for years and has been passed down from generation to generation. Many of us truly believe that to be an artist means to struggle. As soon as we accept this career path, we surrender to it, celebrate it even. This is just the way it is. But I want to challenge your thinking today. Is this really the way it needs to be? Do you have to struggle to be an artist? Or is there a better way?
How to Spring Clean Your Mind
Spring is finally here and many of us have started spring cleaning and decluttering our physical space. But after living through 2 years of a pandemic, it might be just as important to declutter our minds. Here are a few ideas for spring cleaning your mind this spring to help you feel refreshed and renewed.
How Heart-Centred Living Can Improve Your Life
Are you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed?
If so, you are not alone. Surviving a global pandemic has stirred up feelings of loneliness, separation, and anxiety. More and more of us are looking for a way to remedy these feelings, and feel more connected and alive. One way we can do this is by rediscovering the power and wisdom of the heart–something the mystics knew all along.
How Wellness Programs Improve Productivity in the Workplace
It’s no secret that when people are healthy, happy and thriving, they have better focus, are more productive, and perform better. This isn’t only great news for employees, but this is beneficial for companies in the long term.
Here are five reasons a targeted wellness program can help your company and employees thrive.
How to Create More Space in Your Life
Creating space in our lives is about creating moments where we can slow down and get present. It sounds counterintuitive, but slowing down actually makes us more productive
Stop Allowing Time to Define Your Success
Happiness isn’t on the other side of your goal. It is in the goal's pursuit. Learn to love the process, and never allow time to define your success.