The Ultimate Calorie Guide

Learn the facts about calories–so they stop controlling you

Do you think you need to cut calories in order to be “healthy?” Or to have the “ideal body type?” If you do, you are certainly not alone. This myth has been circulated in popular culture for years, and has dominated the performing arts industry. Sadly, this myth is harmful and damaging to young, vulnerable performers, who hear it from well-meaning, albeit misguided teachers, peers, and social media influencers. I am on a mission to rid this myth from our industry, once and for all. So to do that, I will give you a breakdown of how this myth came to be in popular culture, so we can better understand and hopefully move past the belief that calories are king.

What you will learn in this guide

  • The history of the calorie

  • Why calories don’t matter as much as we think

  • What really matters when it comes to healthy eating and better performance

Download your Guide here